Some of Kaleigh's latest tricks include:
taking one or two steps before sitting down (finally!)
saying up and down for the slide (one of her favorite activities)
signing more, eat, all done and help
saying hi
saying mama and dada and maaa (for maeve)
saying baa for sheep
panting with her tongue out for dog (although she does this with a lot of animals)
she loves drawing
she loves playdoh
she loves feeding herself (and actually does pretty good)
she loves climbing stairs and is getting better at going down
she loves her push toy and walking with it
she loves her blankie and continues to be paci free!!! (unlike her older sister)
Maeve's latest tricks.....
counting to 20 in English
counting to 10 in Spanish
identifying M (for Maeve), K (for Kaleigh), A, B , and C (most of the time)
playing Diego inspired games (rescuing animals and people, looking for something then shouting it out if you see it etc)
feeding her sister
loving on her baby (she will be a great mom)
NOT getting dressed (although she can put on her pants, socks and shoes by herself, she just never WANTS to)
going pee pee in the potty (still have yet to overcome the fear of the "dropping the kids off" as Jonny likes to call it)
playing with the older kids in the neighborhood (Shanti, Heather and Emma are her favorites!)