Time flies and Teagan is officially another month older. Her personality continues to blossom. We had her 4 mo check up. She is 16 lb. 8 oz (95%ile), 25 1/2 in. long (95%ile) and her head circ. is at the75th %ile.
The visit was crazy. I thought I was being smart by combining Maeve's 4 yo appt and your 4 mo. But 1 1/2 hrs into the visit in a tiny little room with Kaleigh there too, I knew I had made a big mistake. You cried for 20 min. before even getting shots, then Maeve started crying b/c she got 3 shots and Kaleigh (my little sensitive one) cried because everyone else was crying. O'well, live and learn!
You just rolled over 3 days ago for the first time and now you are doing it pretty regularly. You are such a big talker and get really loud squealing and screaming (so much that you usually spit up). You have a constant smile on your face except when you are hungry or tired and then watch out. Mama better be around or you will scream bloody murder!
You are starting to get into a schedule (when you get to actually sleep in your own crib) with a morning nap and 2 afternoon naps. You are going down around 7:30 pm and starting to sleep through the night after a feeding around 11 pm. Last night you woke up around 3 pm but put yourself back to sleep for the first time (YEA!). You "talked" for a while but never got really mad so I let you go.
You absolutely light up when Maeve and Kaleigh are around and will try your hardest to keep watching them wherever they move around the room. The intensity you look at all of us is awesome.