Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dancing at Deepcreek

outside dancing

We had a great time time at Deep Creek. It was a fabulous girls weekend with a twist. We brought the kids. Everyone, kids and adults had such a good time we might try to do it with the boys and for a full week next time. The kids were so funny with their dance off! Check it out.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kaleigh my fish

She wants to do it all and watches Maeve. Notice how she is already putting her face in the water. She loves jumping off the diving board and states, "I no need help" all the time!

So I had to add today a very scary always, Kaleigh has way too much confidence and jumped in behind my back in 4 feet of water. I turned to see her bobbing quietly up and down and not breathing. Of course I screamed and luckily, my friend, Tina, who has now earned her sainthood jumped in and got her. I was holding Teagan and Jonny was way far away. I don't know what I would have done if Tina hadn't been there. i was shaking for hours afterward. Our new rule is no pool without her life vest. To all who read this, I hope it helps them to remember swim safety!

The girls swimming

Always the proud mama, gotta show off my girls!

Maeve swimming

This is the first time Maeve has put her face in the water as she is swimming. It was very exciting and I think she did great!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My grown up Maeve

At almost 4 1/2 years old, Maeve can sometimes act like she is entering her teenage years. With her sassy attitude, strong opinions on clothes, hair and activities, I think I am getting a taste of what is yet to come. She had her first sleep over with Taylor from across the street a couple of days ago. It was impromptu with the girls thinking it up at about 7 pm on Thursday night. I was hesitant and thought Maeve might get cold feet, but she changed into her PJ's, grabbed her pillow pet and went out the door without even a glance back. My heart stung just a bit and I secretly hoped for a call at about 10 pm but it never came. I guess they had a great time sleeping on the pull out couch downstairs but needed encouragement to go to sleep, which didn't happen until 10:30 pm. Their imaginations were going wild and they were "scared" of some of the noises, said Maeve. They woke up the next morning at 6 am, getting less sleep than I did that night! Tina and Matt were troopers and they are already asking for another sleep over. I guess Jon and my turn are up this time.

Some other things that mark Maeve's 4 year oldness......

identifying the initial sounds in words all the time (one of her favorite games)

beginning to "read" simple word patterns with help.... cat, bat, mat, etc.

dancing and shaking her hips to the music

loving on her baby sister

playing dog and princess and prince with Kaleigh (Kaleigh is the prince and they marry each other)

crazy distressful drama play with her barbies......the princess is always a damel in distress with prince saving her

like Jack and the Neverland Pirates show the best (behind Scoobie Doo which I still try to limit)

riding her bike with training wheels

sneaking into bed at 1 am to snuggle....she wants to be right up on top of you and typically either Jonny or I end up leaving the bed

so afraid of missing out on something, she gets more and more wild as she gets tired but she will still refused naps and be up at the first sound in the morning. Forget getting her back to sleep, she does not want to waste a minute of life sleeping

jumping off the diving board without a life vest and swimming to the side with just a little push to get her going.

My Maevolicious is growing up so fast. But as I always tell her she will always be my Maevey Baby.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Teagan is 6 months!

Wow has she changed into a smiley, happy,engaged and playful baby. She is so curious and has developed octopus arms. We sit her in the bumbo chair on the table for meals and have to make sure everything is way out of reach or watch out! It's amazing what she can grab. She loves her play gym, especially the giraffe which she chews on all the time. She has gorgeous thighs and an adorable smile. Everyone comments on how much she smiles and on her long eyelashes. She is squealing and just starting to babble but no "mama's" or "dada's" yet. She loves her food and we have discovered that she does better with fruits or else she gets really constipated. She has tried so hard to go that she has spit up out her nose, poor girl. She was sleeping through the night great till she figured out how to roll over onto her stomach. She would get stuck and angry so we were back tobeing up 2 times a night. She has done better and I often catch her sleeping on her stomach lately, but she is now in the habit of getting up. Hopefully, that will end soon. She loves the water and splashes about with her arms while she watches her sisters swim. She is not yet sitting independently but is getting pretty close. One of the crazy things she does is scratching. She loves to scratch at paper, my clothes or whatever else is in reach, especially when she is nursing.

Her 6 month doctor's appt went great. She is growing like crazy and only cried for about a second after her second shot.

Height:27 i. (90%ile)

Weight: 19 lbs. 4 oz. (90-95%ile)

Head: 75%ile

(Teagan is almost the same and Maeve and Kaleigh at 6 mos, just a little shorter and's those thighs! They really seems to be triplets at this age)