Friday, November 14, 2008

Thankful for....

After reading a friend who did this on her blog, I got inspired. Today I had many things to be thankful for....
1. a husband who comes home for lunch so I could go on a run by myself
2. belly laughs from Maeve when I kiss her neck
3. bubbly smiles from Kaleigh
4. slobbery kisses from Finnegan
5. freecycle so I can get rid of our junk and feel like I am saving the earth for my kids
6. Craigslist so I can buy fun toys for my kids and again feel like I am making a difference (and saving money)
7. keurig coffee maker...for the much needed cup of coffee in the morning FAST
8. Tivo so I can always keep up with my favorite shows
9. Facebook so I can keep track of friends and acquaintances
10. 7 pm, the most relaxing time of the night after the kids go to bed
11. Elliot in the morning (when Maeve isn't around)-it's where I get all my "hard news"
12. dark chocolate M&M's in the freezer. Mmmmmmmm
13. Fridays, Trader Joe's $2 buck chuck and my breast pump

It's been a good week. Kaleigh is 10 weeks old. She slept for 10 hours last night and didn't get up until 6 am. It's amazing how you learn to survive on such little sleep and have so much fun during the day with two babies. I really do love my life.


Allison said...

I love this list of "thankfuls"! Especially the Fridays, $2 chuck & the breast pump! That's great!

CoffeePHD said...

7. keurig coffee maker...for the much needed cup of coffee in the morning FAST

Agree and I love Keurig Brewers as well. Fast and easy way to make Great coffee :). This is great website if you interesting with K Cups Giveaways every week plus bunch of Coupons on K-Cups