The funny things a toddler can say with all seriousness........
the phrase that made my year today......."mommy you beautiful"
the discipline phrase: "you get a TIME out"...."go on the naughty step", "not listening", "cooperate", "try again", "that's better"......said over and over and over again to her doll (do I really say that all the time????)
"daddy no swiping" (does she like Dora or what!)
"I be soft" (every time she sees the cat and then proceeds to pick Chili up by the neck and carry her around)
"I love mommy, I love daddy, I love Kaleigh, I love _(fill in for anyone else that is present)___, I love maevey!" (a typical statement said around the dinner table)
"I maevey Calkins"
"Stop it" "I don't like it"
"Why did you DO that?" (after daddy took her bunny blanket)
"I NEED my paci"
"daddy juice" (anytime she sees a beer related item)
Now for the mommyisms..... as stated above along with the rest of them, I feel like I say them at least 100 times a day
"be soft, be gentle, play nice, gentle hands, cooperate, try again, It's not ok, sit down, stop screaming, stop whining, say it in your regular voice, I can't understand you with your paci in, You don't need your paci,"
what are some of your favorite phrases?
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