Thursday, January 5, 2012

Teagan's first birthday and some!!!

A little late entry but I wanted to get it down so that I can look back and remember. Keeping in line with the Calkin's girls, there is nothing little about her. She is all personality, smiles and of course, size.....

Height: 30 1/2 in. (95%ile)

Weight: 24 lb. 11 oz. (98% ile)

Head: 90% ile

So for her first birthday, we celebrated with Lolo and Papa and had a little family gathering. She had red velvet cake and didn't get much opportunity to open her presents since Maeve, her other mother, wanted to help. She loved the cake and especially liked the icecream.

After months of practicing cruising, she was quick to take her first steps right after Thanksgiving and by Christmas she was keeping up with her sisters. From the start, she preferred being upright.

At Christmas, she loved sitting in the little chairs that went with the table Santa brought the girls. She quickly found out that she can climb onto the table too! I suppose with all the stairs in our house, no doubt she would love them and master climbing. It is her favorite thing to do.

She doesn't really have any words (almost 14 months old) but says dada, mama sometimes, ma for more (she can sign that and alldone). I hope as an SLP, she starts talking soon! She does babble a ton and understands so much. She can ID her teeth, follow simple directions, blow kisses and gives great hugs when asked.
She loves, loves, loves carrying around things and typically has something in both hands. She is into everything! It's crazy how persistent she is about getting what she wants. She can carry some pretty heavy things!

Teagan is my number one cuddlier. She loves to snuggle, gives the best hugs and gets jealous when I am cuddling with Kaleigh.

I am almost done nursing her, down to only at night but lately she hasn't been very happy about that. She has shown her temper recently. While we were in Connecticut for my uncle's funeral, she screamed bloody murder for 1 1/2 hrs. and didn't want anything, not me, not her pacifier, NOTHING. We were the family at the hotel that your are rolling your eyes and wondering why they can't get their baby to be quiet. The second night, I gave her a bath at 3:30 am which calmed her down and Jon drove her around at 5:30 am when she started up again. She has also done some serious temper tantrums when she hadn't gotten "mommy milk" as I have been weaning her, but not quite as out of control!

So she is still taking two naps, goes down around 7 pm and can drink from a sippy cup. She loves meat, blueberry pancakes, applesauce and appears to be more picky than the other girls. She is hit or miss on vegis, bananas and even yogurt if there are any chunks.

It all is a blur and with working I feel like I am gonna miss it all. I just love these times with the girls! Cross my fingers that in 2012 I find some better balance.