Maeve relocating herself on a night of the thunderstorm. Notice the yellow flashlight around her wrist.
On any given night we move from bed to bed in our household. It is still my goal to have the girls sleep the whole night together. They start out pretty good, but Kaleigh is definitely a different sleeper than Maeve. Maeve at this age slept easily through the night. Kaleigh is a little more unpredictable. 10 pm, midnight, 2 am....she sometimes feels the need to wake up and talk...just talk..... da....dada....bada, mama....MAMA... waaaaaaaaaaaaaa(if I don't respond within about 5 minutes). As you can imagine this doesn't work well with Maeve in the room with her. Maeve, true to her style, may wake up but all I have to do is say, "it's not morning yet, go back to sleep" and boom, she's out like a light. But then, begins the musical beds. Last night is a perfect example, with a little twist from Maeve:
6:30 pm: Kaleigh down to sleep
7:30 pm: Maeve down to sleep
10:00: mom and dad go up to bed and discover Maeve sleeping in our bed. (I went out to run errands, dad was in the basement brewing. There was an awesome thunderstorm. When I got home, Jonny said he hadn't heard the girls. But there was Maeve, lying on our bed, all the lights on, with a flashlight wrapped around her wrist sound asleep. It was really cute!)
10:10: dad falls asleep before mom, mom eventually gets up to read on the couch since dad is SNORING SOOOOO loud!
12 am: Kaleigh awake goes and gets her, brings her to bed....Kaleigh dozes
1:30 am: Kaleigh's up again, mom tries to let her cry it out by moving her in the guest bedroom
2 am: Kaleigh in her pack in play, can't sleep, down on the couch again
4:00 am: Kaleigh up again, mom goes and gets her, Kaleigh fall asleep and proceeds to kick mom
4:00-5:05 am: mom lays awake while Kaleigh kicks her in her sleep and dad snores
5:05 am: Dad's alarm goes off. Dad hits snooze.
5:15 am: Dad gets up to work out.
5:20 AM: Kaleigh is up for good!
5:30 am: mom relocates to couch to half sleep on couch while Kaleigh plays on floor
5:55 am: Maeve gets up, want milk.....want oatmeal.....want diaper changed.....want banana.....want paci........want bunny.......want semee stweet.......want elmo...............................etc.
Really though, it is getting better and many nights I don't have to get up. They are both early risers and it would be great to get them to sleep till 6 am consistently (7 am would be heaven!).
Can anyone relate or give suggestions!