Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kaleigh's 11 months old

She's actually almost 12 months, which is crazy. She has changed so much the past few months. She is becoming her own person and showing us all the things she knows and understands. She surprises me all the time. Some of her current accomplishments......
-crawling everywhere
-wanting so bad to walk but so far from it. All she wants is for us to hold her hands so she can walk around
-squatting like a sumo wrestler
-cruising along the couch
-signing eat and all done
-saying mama, "o" (for uh oh")
-imitating other words like "done", dada, up
-shakes her head no and yes
-love putting toys in and out
-carry on "conversations" (I am convinced she thinks she is saying really important things)
-eating everything....some of your favorites are broccoli, black beans, mac and cheese, blueberries
-drinking from a sippy cup (that's what you are ready to be weaned)
-dancing to any music you hear

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