Anyway, Declan's two month check up went well. He is growing and laughing and smiling and cooing! It is amazing and makes my heart melt every time he does it! He had a rough patch where I was wondering about reflux and it seems to have settled (for now). His typical pattern is to go down around 8 pm and sleep until 2-4 am. He LOVES his pacifier and I may have to get up to pop it back in before that time but I am grateful that he is sleeping longer (now I just need to go to sleep before 10 pm!). After about 4 am he's a little fussy, burpy and gassy and by 6:30 am he is ready to get up. During the day he gets dragged around a lot but seems to sleep the best when he is on the move. He sleeps great in the ergo and in the car. He seems more unsettled when he is sleeping during the day at home (too quiet and to still!?). He also sleeps MUCH better when swaddled in this sleeper. Forget swaddling him in blanket. He is so strong he breaks right out of it. The sack with Velcro is the way to go!!! He also seems interested in his feet. He was studying them today and seemed to be reaching for them. He has a special bond with Kaka, in that he always has a smile for her.
His weight at 2 months 14.2 lbs. (95%ile) and length was 80%ile, He is ready to move into size 2 diapers (so serious blowouts!) and easily in 3-6 month clothes.
As for the girls.....
Teagan has had a rough month. We traveled to Wisconsin for spring break to visit Lolo and Papa. She got sick....3 days of throwing up, including the ride home, 3 days of diarrhea and then a massive cold with double ear infections (our family's first official use of antibiotics, which I think is pretty good!). Then a week later she threw up again a couple of times during the night. Yuk! Throughout it all she continues to amaze me and make me laugh. Her personality is sooooo big. She is taking in 3 word sentences (not really understandable all the time...I know as a SLP the pacifier is really not helping. She doesn't produce m, b, p at the beginning of words and typically backs them (g,k) ie, goat/boat, ouse/mouse, gilk/milk). She has such a temper but also has the best smile ever. She also uses her hands and body to animate what she is saying, which is adorable. (probably b/c her speech is slow). The other night at 2 am she came in and threw her arms up and said "yuvie????" (lovie). Hard to describe but tooo cute!
Kaka is my little people pleaser and academic. She is sweet on Dex, helps out a ton with her sisters and loves her ballet. She doesn't really have a clue with the moves but has a big smile the whole time she is there. That's how soccer is for her too. She is just smiling and running up and down the field, not even close to the ball! She had a rough patch with spring break too. Vomiting and diarrhea in Wisconsin. Poor thing! She slept sooooo much, her way of getting better. I also think there is a little of her that liked being pampered! She still is whining a lot but seems to slowly be moving out of it.
Maeve is my independent, strong willed leader! She is so helpful with her brother and sisters. She had a great month. Her reading and writing is coming along and she really enjoys it. She is liking soccer with her friends, doing swimming (with a boy teacher, O my!), and Daisies. She didn't get sick (luckily). She had a fun spa birthday party for Stella in which she truly discovered make up.
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