Maeve's first time going potty in the chair!
Kaleigh- 18 weeks old

Maeve and Kaleigh in their new pink chair (can't wait till they fight over it!)
Kaleigh enjoying her first Christmas!
Maeve modeling her new boots.
I can't believe it is now 2009. We are settling down after the whirlwind of the holidays. My parents were a huge help over the past few weeks, watching Kaleigh so she didn't have to start daycare until January and taking over the most of the cooking! (trust me, Christmas dinner was so much more yummy with my mom cooking it!) Maeve absolutely loved having them here. Although she is still a mama's girl, at times all she wanted was grandma. She was also much more cooperative for my dad about diaper changes and getting dress....her two least favorite activities lately. Maeve is definitely a 22 month old. The drama makes me laugh (or want to cry depending on the moment). She wants to be naked all the time so we have starting having her sit on the potty seat if she takes off her diaper. She actually went in it yesterday! (O' what joy to only have one in diapers....and what wishful thinking on my part) Kaleigh wowed her grandparents with her smiles and cuddling ability. I think several of the days I worked, she managed to convince them to hold her all day.
Christmas was so much fun. Maeve really enjoyed opening all her presents (and most of Kaleigh's, since she slept through a lot of it). Even though we said we weren't getting much for the girls, it was an all morning event. Maeve loves her book "What's wrong, Little Pookie?" and her tent with balls. She now knows baseball and football, which makes her dad excited.
We went to the Zoolights while my parents were here. It was a beautiful night, seasonably warm for December. Maeve ran through the whole thing; being around all the people was more exciting than the actual lights. Although, now she likes looking at the lights around the neighborhood.
Kaleigh is almost 18 weeks old! She can practically sit up by herself. Her accuracy for reaching and getting toys have gotten pretty good too. She is a drooling, mouthing fool. Her two favorite toys are a giraffe and an octopus. She can roll from her back to her side and with just a little help roll from her stomach to her back. She starts daycare next week, which breaks my heart when she is so little. At least I know Maeve did fine and absolutely loves to go to "school" now. Kaleigh is doing great with sleeping at night. She goes down around 6pm, gets up once and then is back to sleep until around 7 am. I don't know what to do about her naps. She just doesn't sleep during the day and cries if I try to make her. Today she cried for 45 minutes before sleeping for only 30 minutes. I am such a believer in sleep. It stresses me out that she doesn't sleep more during the day. O'well.
My thankfuls
1. a husband that's extra sweet to me when I am sick (I had the 24 hr flu last night... YUK!)
2. cuddling with Maeve on the couch while reading her favorite books.
3. ice cream
4. a baby that sleeps so well at night
5. a toddler that sleeps so well at night and for naps
6. no traffic during the holiday season.....less time traveling to and from work
7. a husband with a flexible enough work schedule he can take time off to watch the girls while I work
8. comcast on demand.....Rolling Thunder was really funny.
9. Christmas with the family (watching my parents with my girls is the best present ever!)
10. yatzee (a fun family time past night I actually got 2 yatzees in one game!)
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