Maeve briefly in pigtails

sisters hanging out
bath time for Kaleigh

bath time for Kaleigh

After another busy day at work I went to pick up Maeve from daycare. While I was talking to her teacher, Lori, who Maeve loves and talks about all the time, I couldn't complete a sentence or recall the word "cherries". All day today I felt in a fog. I am sure part of it is the fact that Maeve was up at 4 am but in general, I seem to be in the state of aduhness (is that a word?). Does this happen to anyone else? I am beginning to wonder if my coworkers and the doctors I interact with will start questioning my abilities. Besides the lack of sleep I think it's because I am spending half my time thinking about being home with the girls. I hope it gets better.
Kaleigh had her 4 month appointment yesterday. She passed with flying colors. The doctor was very impressed with her growth (16.9 lbs, 26 /12 in....both above the 95%ile.....almost exactly the same as Maeve). She showed off her tummy time abilities and her eye contact. He said to stop worrying about her sleeping and that she would sleep when she was tired. I guess I will have to get use to a non-napper. Plus, I would give up all the naps for a full night sleep any day. All during her visit, Maeve was climbing on the chairs and insisting redirecting the attention back on her. Lately she has been a bit more jealous, yelling "NO" if I pick up Kaleigh. Then the next minute she is kissing her all over. Poor Kaleigh is going to have her share of colds this season. We all seem to have the persistent runny nose. Such is life with a toddler.
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