Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Maeve and her 6 yo check up

Maeve is thriving and becoming a string bean.  She got a shot which made her a little nervous but she was very brave. 
weight 55 lb (55%ile)
height 49 1/2 in. (95%ile)

She had an extended birthday.  After her friend pool party, grandma took her to Target to pick out her birthday present on her actual birthday (she got 2 barbies and clothes).  Then Gma and Gpa and the family, minus daddy (he was in Erie Pa for work) went to her choice of restaurants...China Dynasty, a buffet in Graceland.  She ate 4 plates of food!!!  The waiters were extra friendly even thought hey couldn't speak English and gave her a piece of cake with a candle (see pic below).  Finally when daddy got home on Friday, we had a "family party" to open the remainder of her gifts and have more cake.  She must have gotten at least 10 barbies and some fun horses too.  (all her favorite currently!)

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