These past few weeks have probably been the most hectic ones for me in a long time! They have been great too with lots of visiting with family and friends. After spending a week in Wisconsin over thanksgiving, I had one last week to try to finish all the items on my list I wanted to do before my maternity leave was up. (I did pretty well, especially since I also wanted to savor every last minute with my girls before I started back at work.)
The weekend after we got back from Wisconsin, I went to NYC to have girls weekend (including Kaleigh!). After a stressful, very crowded bus ride up to NYC with Kaleigh on my lap, in which she had a huge poopy blowout (and let me remind you that there is no changing diapers on a bus), I spent a great Saturday seeing the Christmas decorations with some of my best friends, Paige and Annika. Kaleigh was a great sport, traveling around in the Ergo all day. She got to experience Union Square, the subway, Rockefeller Center and the upper west side. The bus ride home was much more comfortable since we had the two seats to ourselves.
I started work that next Wednesday. What a miserable day; it was pouring down rain and half way to work Maeve threw up all over. I survived that day and then the very next day my sister-in-law, Tiffany flew into town with her 3 kids. She is amazing flying with a 4 1/2 year old, 2 year old and 6 weeks old. After we finally got them all loaded into the car (try fitting 3 car seats into a Ford Escape backseat while it is still pouring down rain), the cousins stayed up until almost 10 pm playing together. My brother joined us on Friday and they stayed until Sunday. It was a great visit which included an early Christmas exchange and birthday party for Nicholas who turned two. Unfortunately, it also included a sleepless night with the oldest, Madelyn, complaining of an earache and an ER visit for the youngest, Jack, for RSV. The cousins had such a great time playing together. It is unfortunate that we live so far apart.
My parents arrived into town on the next Tuesday to pick up babysitting duty since Kaleigh doesn't start Kindercare until January. They must be exhausted after three days of babysitting. Maeve is a crazy toddler and with so much going on, a cold, and many late nights, she has had frequent temper tantrums. I think tonight was the worst I have ever seen. I only hope she feels better soon.
So now we only have 4 days until Christmas.....
I hope that I have time to bake some cookies, finish Christmas shopping and wrap some presents before this Thursday. As hectic as it's been, I wouldn't change any of it (except maybe Maeve's meltdowns......we are so lucky to have family and friends that make the effort to visit.)
Some of my thankfuls.......
1. family that comes to visit, even if it means flying with three young children
2. watching cousins play together and the oldest Madelyn making Kaleigh belly laugh
3. grandparents that are VERY hands-on...changing diapers, walking the dog, cooking meals, feeding bottles...etc, etc.!
4. A husband that helps out with things like watering the xmas tree, finding a van to move furniture (and moving the furniture), and walking the dog every night.
5. Great friends that make me want to be a better person, mom and woman!
6. watching Kaleigh turn 16 weeks old and starting to reach and hold toys.
7. watching Maeve love on her grandparents to the point that she cries if they leave the room and insisting on Gma holding her before me.